Her findes referater og bilag fra skolebestyrelsesmøder i skoleåret 2017/18. Dokumenter Referat konstituerende SB-møde 14.06.2018.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB referat 14.06.2018.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB referat 23.05.2018.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB-referat 21.03.2018.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB-referat 21.11.17.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB-referat 22.08.2017.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB-referat 24.04.18.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB-referat 28.09.2017.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. SB-Referat 30.10.2017.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Tilrettet SB-referat 27.02.18.docx_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Dagsorden 24.04.18.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Bilag 1SB 21.11.2017.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.